01 Commit to not doing in Google Google search screenshot Google The first thing to avoid is one of Google Don'ts. Hiding, stuffing keywords, and stacking titles are very traditional ways to reduce searches in Google. They are also ways to be banned from AdSense. When you place AdSense ads on your site, your site is much more visible to Google and it's much more likely that your rule will be intercepted. More " 02 Click on your own ads Whatever the temptation, never click on your own ads. This is probably the easiest way to suspend or ban your site. It's a form of click fraud, and Google knows how to catch it, even if you think you're hiding your tracks. Do not let anyone else use a computer in your home to click on your ads. Make sure your loved ones and kids are aware of the rules or risk compromising your reputation with Google. 03 Hide your ads It can be tempting to hide your ads by giving them the same color as your background or by hiding...
let us talk about our freedom independence Day all of us are familiar must be speaking talking writing in your classes year after year so today we are going to do a shot competition on Independence Day. when did we achieve our independence on the 15th of August 1947 from where did we obtain this freedom from the rule of the British? it went in with a lot of bloodsheds struggled work of the Indian leaders many people had to sacrifice their life and they have to work long .it was a hard struggle so it is a day to be remembered a red-letter day who is the first Prime Minister responded to Jawaharlal Nehru .then on this day what we mainly remember is little cultural program prayers hoisting of the flag most of the schools colleges government institution every way churches they hoist the flag it's a holiday for shops mainly and then what we need to remember it must work hard to maintain the freedom that we received long ago back 72 years back. so you're going to write about in t...